Thursday, September 8, 2016

FPWD of Graphics Accessibility API Mappings, and updates to WAI-ARIA Graphics Module and SVG Accessibility API Mappings WD

The Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group and SVG Working Group have published a First Public Working Draft of Graphics Accessibility API Mappings, along with updated Working Drafts of WAI-ARIA Graphics Module and SVG Accessibility API Mappings.

The WAI-ARIA Graphics Module defines core roles specific to web graphics that allow an author to express the logical structure of the graphic to assistive technologies. Graphics Accessibility API Mappings defines how user agents map roles in this module to the features of accessibility APIs. SVG Accessibility API Mappings provides additional mappings specific to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). When supported by user agents, these specifications will enable authors to create more accessible rich internet applications and graphics, including charts, graphs, and other drawings. Please send comments by 30 September 2016. Read about the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).

Publication – W3C News

FPWD of Graphics Accessibility API Mappings, and updates to WAI-ARIA Graphics Module and SVG Accessibility API Mappings WD

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